Indie Authors should be all “A-Flitter” for Twitter! Part 1 of 3

I must admit I was not a Twitter fan in the beginning. I had found a comfortable home in my personal life on Facebook.  I mastered sharing and friending, and everyone I knew or wanted to know was on Facebook. For me, Twitter was just another thing I had to keep checking and updating, so I pushed it aside for a little while. That was a bad choice. If you are marketing and promoting your own book you must use Twitter and become proficient in it. YOU MUST HAVE A TWITTER ACCOUNT TO MARKET YOUR BOOK!

Twitter is one of the fastest growing social networks in the world (Pinterest is #1, but we will talk about that later). Twitter subscribers are growing at about 40% per year. In laymen’s terms, that is four times the rate of Facebook’s growth. If you have 500 followers on Twitter and you post an announcement four times in one day, if only 5 people ReTweet you, you have the possibility of reaching 250,000 people! If only one half of one percent look at your Amazon page, then only one half of one percent actually consider your book (65), chances are great you will sell at least 3 or 4 books a day. 3 books a day times 365 days a year equal to an average of $3,000.00 per year just from that formula alone. If you have a 10000 followers (I am going to help you get there for sure) you can double that number. Then consider putting 2 or 3 books on Amazon and double your followers…well, you get the picture. Just from Twitter alone you could expect to make at least $20,000.00 per year AND Twitter is FREE! Now, stay with me here, calculate the numbers if you have 2 Twitter pages! Yes, you can have more than one twitter page and control them both. Twitter is a force to be reckoned and you must become a tweeter with a vengeance!

So, get along home little doggy and get that Twitter account going.  If you don’t know how or need a little help, keep following my blog!

Categories: Self-Publishing | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Indie Authors should be all “A-Flitter” for Twitter! Part 1 of 3

  1. Consider yourself followed! I am trying to stir up some new readers for mt first book I am writing via blog and feel you advice will be invaluable! Thank you!
    From Nikki

  2. Reba,

    This was an awesome and mucho informative post! There’s no doubt that the publishing game has changed, but the “little guy” or “little gal” has a chance. I really appreciate you taking the time to share your expertise.


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